The Additionally Resourced Provision (ARP)
At Kenton Bar we have a six place Additionally Resourced Provision (ARP) for children with a diagnosis of Autistic Spectrum Disorder (ASD).
Places within the ARP are commissioned by the Local Authority and spaces are allocated by a central panel who meet each half term. Kenton Bar Primary School does not control which children enter the ARP. It is accessible for children across the Newcastle Local Authority through an ARP placement application.
The ARP aims for every child to achieve their best and become confident individuals living fulfilling lives. They also aim for the children to make a successful transition into secondary education whether that is a specialist setting or a mainstream school.
The ARP is involved in all areas of school life at Kenton Bar and aims to promote inclusivity and opportunities for re-integration into mainstream education at all times. The setting provides a safe and happy environment where children are able to build positive relationships with staff and children, develop confidence in themselves and enjoy learning, seeing themselves as successful learners. The small group setting provides children with the opportunity to access learning designed for children with social communication difficulties. Workstations and communal tables are available to meet the needs of each pupil.
Mainstream Inclusion and the ARP
- Opportunities for inclusion in mainstream classes
Children with commissioned places within our ARP are offered opportunities for inclusion into mainstream classes where appropriate; this is judged on an individual, needs led basis. The child’s social skills, as well as academic attainment is taken into consideration before a decision is made into whether inclusion with mainstream peers beneficial and how much mainstream inclusion would be appropriate. We also take into consideration how much support the child would require in these mainstream lessons. Inclusion in subjects such as PE and Forest School is common and some children in the ARP may access other mainstream lessons according to their individual needs. If appropriate for children within the ARP, they will integrate into Read Write Inc groups for phonics with children from the wider school.
- Whole School and Class Assemblies
The children within the ARP are encouraged to attend all whole school assemblies, each Monday and Golden Assembly each Friday and all key stage assemblies if appropriate. In line with the rest of the school, the children in the ARP are also encouraged to attend assemblies from any visitors or outside agencies.
- Educational Visits
In-line with the rest of the school, the ARP experiences an Educational Visit each term. If a child has accessed mainstream inclusion for topic work, they will be included on any Educational Visit linked to that topic with their mainstream peers. ARP children are always accompanied by a member of staff from the ARP during these off-site visits. Children within the ARP attend swimming lessons with their chronological year group as part of the statutory curriculum.
- Residential Visits
All Year 6 children at Kenton Bar Primary School are provided with the opportunity to take part in a residential visit. Year 6 children within the ARP are also invited to attend, if this is appropriate for their individual needs and would be accompanied by an ARP member of staff.
During the children’s time in the ARP, we work with parents and other professionals to find an educational pathway within the Local Authority that best meets the children’s individual needs. After intense work and assessments, some children will successfully reintegrate back into a mainstream setting whilst others will be placed in a specialist setting or an alternative ARP that best meets their needs.