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Welcome to

Kenton Bar

Primary School


Our School


At Kenton Bar Primary School, we pride ourselves on being a fully inclusive school

with key values of Respect, Honesty, Friendship, Perseverance and Teamwork.

Our mission statement “Belong, Believe, Achieve” permeates through everything we do.


Working together as a school, our aim is to help every child reach their full potential. We recognise and value, the need for a full range of educational and pastoral support. In addition to our SENDCo (Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Co-ordinator) and Pastoral Lead we work very closely with various professionals from a wide range of outside agencies.


SEND is a short name for Special Educational Needs and Disabilites. In the simplest terms, SEND is about children having one or more barriers that hinder their learning, development and/or wellbeing.  Some children require support that is additional or different from that made for their peers. It may take the form of additional support in school or require involvement of specialist staff or support services.



Our SENDCo, Mrs Hinshaw, is responsible for the management of provision and/or support for identified pupils with SEND. She will also support teachers and other staff to enable them to provide appropriate assessment and focused provision for children in their class with SEND.

All teachers are teachers of SEND pupils and as such provide quality first teaching which takes account of the particular individual needs of pupils with SEND within the classroom.


For all children at Kenton Bar Primary School who have additional need we:


  • Recognise the importance of school and families working in partnership together.

  • Regularly review and modify strategies, resources and support to meet the changing needs of individual pupils.

  • Deliver quality teaching, adapting and differentiating the curriculum to ensure all children make progress.

  • Employ a Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Co-ordinator (SENDCo) to lead our SEND provision across the school.

  • Use pupil friendly Support Plans which clearly state the pupils’ area(s) of need, their targets and the provision and resources to be implemented to support them to meet the targets set for them.

  • Support our families with children with SEND through termly review meetings in order to review Support Plans and informally through our “open door” approach where parents and carers are welcome to make an appointment at any time.

  • Seek support and advice from outside agencies such as the Speech and Language Therapy Service and Educational Psychology Service to ensure barriers to learning are identified and appropriate support provided.

  • Deploy teaching staff and teaching assistants to deliver a range of intervention programmes.

  • Offer Primary to Secondary transition support for pupils and parents.

  • Liaise with schools within the SMART Multi-Academy Trust, secondary schools and schools with Additionally Resourced Provision (ARPs) to provide a range of opportunities for all our children and when pupils transfer to another school/provision at any point in their education. 


At Kenton Bar Primary we also manage an Additionally Resourced Provision (ARP) for Communication Disorders which is a specialised provision for Newcastle learners aged 4-11, in school Years, Reception to Year 6. The provision is for learners with Social Communication Difficulties such as Autistic Spectrum Disorder, who require additional support to access mainstream education.The provision can be accessed by learners who have a formal plan agreed with the Local Authority.


The provision offers full-time mainstream education and additional access to:


  • Teachers with specialist skills and training

  • Support staff with specialist skills and training

  • Supported inclusion in mainstream lessons

  • A learning base where young people can receive higher levels of support and modified approaches to their learning e.g. visual timetables and modified TEACCH (Treatment and Education of Autistic and related Communication handicapped Children) approaches

  • NHS Speech & Language Therapy



Who can I talk to?

If you require further information, a chat or if you have any concerns about your child’s SEND, progress or provision we ask you to contact school and discuss matters further with your child’s class teacher or the school SENDCo (Mrs Leanne Hinshaw).

School office: 0191 286 0536


For further support with family and home life, Miss Rebekah Vaughan (Pastoral Lead) is based at school Monday-Friday and can offer support for children and families.


Parents can also contact their local Newcastle Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Information, Advice and Support Service for impartial information, advice and support (SENDIASS) in relation to their child’s SEN/ and/or disability. 

Judith Lane - Parent Partnership Officer

0191 284 0480


Kenton Bar Primary School operates its SEN provision in line with Newcastle Local Authority’s SEN and disabilities policies and procedures. To access more information in relation to this view ‘Newcastle Local Offer’  on