What is Prevent
Prevent is part of the Government’s counter-terrorism strategy CONTEST and is designed to safeguard vulnerable people and communities from the threat of radicalisation and being drawn into terrorism.
There are different types of terrorism and Prevent deals with all of them. The most common types of terrorism in the UK are extreme right-wing terrorism and Islamist terrorism.
The Newcastle Prevent team work together with Partnership agencies to stop people becoming involved in or supporting terrorist activity. Under the Prevent Duty all public sector agencies have a responsibility to ensure their staff and volunteers have a good understanding of Prevent and their responsibilities towards individuals, groups, or families they are working with.
Notice – Check – Share
If you notice a change in an individual that could make them vulnerable to being exploited or radicalised, follow the safeguarding procedures within your organisation. Check your concern with a senior member of staff or designated safeguarding lead and if there is a genuine concern about radicalisation, then share your concern with the Prevent team or make a referral by following prevent referral form and select the ‘continue button. For further information, please contact the Prevent Team:
Prevent Coordinator Email:
Prevent Education Officer Email:
Prevent Engagement Officer Email
In an emergency where your own or others' safety is at risk call 999