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Kenton Bar

Primary School

Family Support Team

Pastoral Team

At Kenton Bar Primary School our Pastoral Team works alongside several other agencies to ensure we can support families in the best possible way, including the Safeguarding of the children in our care. Someone is always available if you need any advice, help or support.


Pastoral Lead – Miss Vaughan

Miss Vaughan works full-time in Kenton Bar and supports students and families, where students find it difficult to access learning. This may be due to behaviour/home issues/worries and/or emotional needs. Miss Vaughan also supports Senior Leaders to promote positive behaviour within school, and promotes resilience, self-esteem and self-confidence through small nurture groups with students.


Attendance Officer – Miss Vaughan & Miss Gribbin

Our attendance officers are Miss Vaughan and Miss Gribbin. Their role in school is to provide support, advice and information to families specifically in relation to attendance. This could be barriers to getting your child to school or help and in relation to your child’s education, behaviour and wellbeing. They can meet with families at home or at school and offer advice rearding- 

 Looking at solutions and offer support to get your child/children to school

 One to one support for pupils and parents about any issues

 Access to parenting programmes

 Supporting with your child’s behaviour/routines

 Information about other agencies and services which are available


Social, Emotional and Mental Health Teaching Assistant – Mrs Feren

Mrs Feren runs intervention groups around developing self-esteem and self-confidence in KS1 and KS2. Mrs Feren has a qualification in Social, Emotional and Mental Health in Young Children and has also completed a course on Counselling.


ARP Lead – Miss Buzzeo

Miss Buzzeo is the teacher in our Additionally Resourced Centre (ARC) for children with ASD. This is funded by the Local Authority and therefore we cannot choose who gets a place within the ARC. However Miss Buzzeo is able to offer advice and support to teachers, staff and parents regarding other children in school with Social Communication Difficulties and/or Autism.


SENDCo – Mrs Hinshaw

Mrs Hinshaw is the SENDCo (Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Co-ordinator). At Kenton Bar Primary School, children are identified as having SEND (Special Educational Needs and Disabilities) through a variety of ways, usually a combination, which may include some of the following:

  • Discussions, Observations, behaviour analysis between home and school.
  • Liaison with previous school or pre-school setting
  • Child performing below ‘age expected’ stages or equivalent discussed with teachers and senior leaders (e.g. percentile rankings)
  • Concerns raised by a parent
  • Concerns raised by a teacher: for example, if behaviour or self-esteem is affecting performance
  • Liaison with external agencies e.g. for a physical/sensory issue, speech and language or Educational Psychologist.
  • If you wish to contact Mrs Hinshaw to discuss any concerns regarding your child, please telephone the school office on 0191 286 0536.